
 Feed your spirit with these stories and reflections about living in relationship.

Faith in economics

Faith in economics

What is the rule of your household? How do you manage your home? How do you make sure that everyone gets what they need and sometimes what they want? Who feeds the dog or cleans up after the cat? Who does the grocery shopping, and who pays for the groceries? How are...

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Nothing can separate us

Nothing can separate us

Holy and abiding presence, out of the depths, I cry to you! Like so many before me, I wonder: “How long?” “Why me?” “Why them?” “Why now?” “Where are you?” and “Why have you forsaken us?” If I were to rend my garments each time these thoughts come, I would no longer...

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Grow in faith

Grow in faith

Explore Women of the ELCA resources Women of the ELCA offers a wide range of free downloadable resources in English and Spanish to help you grow in faith, deepen your spiritual life and engage in ministry and action. For example: “Called to be political” can help you...

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Listening to loneliness

Listening to loneliness

I didn’t grow up deprived of opportunities to make friends. I had a loving family. I enjoyed playing with my little brother. Still, I always felt like I was missing something. Whenever a house went up for sale on our block, I would pray that a little girl would move...

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Women of the ELCA triennial logos continue to inspire

Women of the ELCA triennial logos continue to inspire

Logos and themes from past Women of the ELCA triennial gatherings can inspire and challenge us today. For example, the 1990 theme, “Celebrate God’s Creation” reminds us of our call to live as stewards of God’s creation and to work toward healing and restoration in our...

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Faithful eating

Faithful eating

By Ryan Cumming THE QUESTION IN MY EMAIL inbox was one of the oddest I had received as a food systems educator: “How did a plastic box of Brussels sprouts destined for a grocery store in the northeastern U.S. end up on a discount table at a farmer’s market in the Bay...

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Of monkeys, tears and the Wisdom of God

Of monkeys, tears and the Wisdom of God

I was terrified. And I cried. I was living and working at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Hong Kong at the time. I’m not weepy or alarmist by nature. I’d weathered a ginormous flying cockroach in my shower. Swatted it hard and disposed of it. I wasn’t crying...

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Feeling homesick

Feeling homesick

Moving in, moving on By Susan K. Olson BY THE TIME THE MIDDLE of September hits, the college campus where I work settles into a rhythm of sorts. We’ve made it through the orientations, the adding and dropping of classes, the meeting of roommates. The new notebooks...

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How I found peace

How I found peace

By Claire Garcia - I HAD BEEN UNCHURCHED since my confirmation day in 1969. I’d drifted away from church (but not from faith), leaving Minnesota at age 20. I went into the Navy, and became a hospital corpsman stationed in Memphis, Tennessee. After my discharge from...

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Just Generosity

Just Generosity

By Mihee Kim-Kort— Across the U.S., day laborers line up outside job sites, waiting and hoping to be hired for the day. Work is not guaranteed. It may not be enough to live on. Sometimes it is dangerous. Recently, as summer temperatures soared above 105 degrees,...

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At home in the Holy Land

At home in the Holy Land

By Cetera Jacobs MARHABA (HELLO) FROM PALESTINE! This past year, I was one of seven ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) volunteers who served in Jerusalem and The West Bank this past year—a beautiful, eye-opening experience. Palestinians are the most hospitable...

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Clinging and letting go

Clinging and letting go

by Lisa A. Smith I’VE BEEN A MOTHER since the week of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. I was on a work-related training trip out of state, my heart already full of emotion, when I first heard about the shooting. My husband and I had been trying to start a...

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Rocking chair prayers

Rocking chair prayers

Sacred time at the back of the sanctuary by Kimberly Knowle-Zeller Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. —1 Thessalonians 5:16‑18 Excerpted from The Beauty of Motherhood:...

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The hour is coming . . .

The hour is coming . . .

Jesus said it is now by Lindsay Hardman Freeman Sir, you have no bucket, and the well is deep. Where do you get that living water? John 4:11 SO SAYS THE SAMARITAN WOMAN—a skeptical, assertive, bright soul— who argues with Jesus as do few others in the Bible. Authentic...

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My body is not a prayer request.

My body is not a prayer request.

Don’t conflate disability with suffering. by Amy Kenny I AM CERTAINLY NOT THE FIRST PERSON to think of God as disabled. Nancy Eiesland, who pioneered disability theology, imagined God in a sip-and puff wheelchair. After a friend declared that her disability would be...

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Set free

Set free

God’s law connects us to the lives and needs of others. by Katie Hines-Shah IT WASN’T SO LONG AGO that they were slaves. It’s important to remember this, as we read about God’s gift of the Ten Commandments and the people who received them. For generations, the Hebrew...

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A hand when we’re falling

A hand when we’re falling

by Elise Seyfried We can all be guardrails. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME you fell out of bed? For a toddler just graduating from the confines of a crib, the answer might be, “Yesterday!” However, for us slightly older folks, sleeping without rolling off the side of the...

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Advent devotional: Good things come in small packages

Advent devotional: Good things come in small packages

by Becca Ehrlich We Americans often have way more stuff than we actually need. The average American home has 300,000 things in it. As a country, we are constantly adding to our possessions, and building bigger and bigger homes to fit everything. No matter how much we...

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