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Gather, the magazine of Women of the ELCA, offers a mix of articles, theological reflections, devotions and stories of comfort and challenge that help readers grow in faith and engage in ministry and action.

Download copies of all three sessions here.

Let’s eat!

Let’s eat!

By Lisa A. Smith “Who knew that the hardest part of being an adult was figuring out what to cook for dinner every single night of your life until you die?” asks a popular social media meme. As a parent, I feel this deep in my bones, especially after I’ve chopped,...

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Take the first step

Take the first step

Help create a safer world for kids. Did you know that the number of children and teens killed by gunfire in the United States increased 50 percent between 2019 and 2021, and that gun violence became the leading cause of death for U.S. children and teens in 2020? The...

Tell us

Tell us

Gather magazine is asking women from across the ELCA for true, brief reflections about their holiday traditions. Do you (or your family, congregation or community) participate in a special tradition/activity that makes the Advent or Christmas season more meaningful?...

Faithful eating

Faithful eating

By Ryan Cumming THE QUESTION IN MY EMAIL inbox was one of the oddest I had received as a food systems educator: “How did a plastic box of Brussels sprouts destined for a grocery store in the northeastern U.S. end up on a discount table at a farmer’s market in the Bay...