Session Three: Rivers: Springs of life and hope
Fresh water. Most of life on our planet depends on it, and the story of God’s saving work flows alongside it, through stories of biblical rivers that offer a vision of flourishing creation. Together we’ll journey from the rivers in Eden to the prophetic springs in the desert, and from Jesus’ baptism at the river Jordan to the crystalline river of life in Revelation. We’ll discover how rivers are sites of healing, restoration, identity and imagination.
Watch the video supplement here.
Carolyn! Thank you so much for this! The river is such a great teacher, isn’t it? Blessings from just a bit further upriver- Sara
I, too, have lived by the Mississippi, in Muscatine IA. The river flows on and on, sometimes alarmingly high, sometimes dangeroously low. Always it moves, so far keeping its promises. Thanks to our creative lesson writer, Sara Olson-Smith, for another refreshing view from scriptures.