As Lutheran Christians, we have a particular—perhaps even peculiar—view of vocation. While “vocation” is often the word used for paid work, Martin Luther and his spiritual descendants also use “vocation” to refer to all kinds of roles we take on as baptized people.
In addition to paid occupational work, we have the vocations of family roles, volunteering, neighborhood and community participation, creation care, friendship and citizenship. Use this Lenten devotional (published in the January/ February, March and April issues of Gather) with any age group Lenten devotional to explore the fullness of what vocation means. Let’s take time over these 40 days of Lent to pray for others and for ourselves. Sometimes we will reflect on occupations we tend to forget, but that make our lives possible. At other times we’ll ponder the roles we take on throughout life, and how God uses these vocational roles to shape us and others.
Download part one, which contains the devotionals for days 1-12 (February 17 – March 2), here.
Download part two, which contains the devotionals for days 13-34 (March 3 – March 27), here.
Download part three, which contains the devotionals for days 34-40 (March 28 – April 3), here.
The remaining devotionals will be posted to this page as they become available.