Summer 2024 “After certainty: A biblical guide” by the Rev. Dr. Meghan Johnston Aelabouni

A global pandemic, political upheaval, a changing climate… these days, the future is more uncertain than it has ever been. Or is it? For the people of the Bible, life was often shaped by deep uncertainty. Encounters with God sparked awe, confusion or courage, but rarely certainty. Instead, God’s people have always been called to follow God into the unknown, trusting in God’s certain grace and love. This three-session summer Bible study explores God’s invitation to the people of the Bible and to us, to take the holy journey beyond certainty to curiosity, community and compassion, where we find abundant life in Christ.

Boldcafe Dinner: Conversation about civility

At our August 1 Boldcafe monthly dinner, Dr. Jennifer Hockenbery, WELCA interim executive director, led a conversation about civility, explaining ways we can engage in compassionate dialogue. She also demonstrated how to build a Civility Toolbox. Watch some of the dinner conversation here.

Called to be political

Like it or not, Christians are called to be political. This resource explores that call, looking at personal reflections of Lutheran women, the Bible and the writings of Martin Luther. Fears or questions about our church’s involvement in politics may reflect a misunderstanding of how Christians, and especially Lutheran Christians, are called to participate in the political arena.

“Christian Nationalism and who is a ‘real’ American.” 

In her video addressing Christian nationalism, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton reminds us that “what binds us together is not ethnicity, but shared participation in our civic life springing out of our cultural heritages and working for the common good.”


Webinar: What does it mean to be Lutheran in a crucial election year?

In this election year, how might our Lutheran faith shape our thinking, acting, and voting on major issues? Join us to learn and ponder timely social teachings of the ELCA and to learn tips for leading discussions in your own community.

Sessions take place from 7:00-8:00 p.m. EST via Zoom.

September 10: Abortion. Dr. Caryn Riswold, Professor of Religion/McCoy Family Distinguished Chair in Lutheran Heritage and Mission at Wartburg College

September 24: Faith, Sexism and Justice. Dr. Mary Streufert, Director, Gender Justice and Women’s Empowerment, and Heather Dean, Program Coordinator, Theological Discernment, ELCA

October 8: Earth’s Climate Crisis Study Guide. Dr. Ryan Cumming, Program Director, Theological Ethics, Education, and Community Engagement

October 22: Freed in Christ: Race, Ethnicity, and Culture. Dr. Richard Perry, emeritus faculty, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago

Register here.

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