Session one: Is grace real?
We often focus on how we fall short and deserve God’s judgment. What if, instead, we remember God’s continual gift of grace? God invites us to lead lives of love and wholeness. What is grace, exactly? Grace does not take away the sin and suffering of this life. Yet grace offers us a way to live from love despite hardship.
Session two: Grace-filled living—ancient and new
What did the writer of Ephesians imagine grace would look like in Christian life and relationships? How can we live from grace in our own time, reading this letter through our cultural lenses and experiences?
Session three: Living as children of the Light
What concrete advice can Ephesians give us on how to live a fuller, happier life? What poetic inspiration can it offer us for living as Christians?
This sounds like a great study. At Outlaw Ranch this past summer, our resource Bible Study leader was Dr. Joy J. Moore, a professor at Luther Seminary in Minneapolis. The whole week she led us in a study of St. Paul’s letters. She has a PHD in Biblical Preaching and was very interesting, knowledgeable, and explained why Paul sent the letters he did to some of the congregations. I’m interested to see how Rev. Haverkamp writes about Ephesians.