One will be left: There is space for grief at Christmas
How to read the Scripture of Advent without missing the point
There are gifts in the waiting and not knowing
by Jordan Miller-Stubbendick— In Dr. Suess’ Oh, The Places You’ll […]
Waiting in joyful hope
by Audrey Novak Riley— There’s an ancient lilttle prayer that […]
The holy month of June
Through the Holy Spirit, Jesus is still here with us
Most of the time I keep my cool. This time was different.
by Erin Strybis–
Balancing a pile of dirty plates in one hand and a stack of cups in the other, I’m striding toward the kitchen when my toddler’s siren call stops me in my tracks. “Mommy!” he yells. “Miiine!”
Goodness is stronger than evil. The tomb is empty. Love and life win.
Symbols of the resurrection: The true story of the Easter egg
by Heidi Haverkamp— An egg doesn’t seem like much. Small […]